Join Mera Rose and Tehdy B every Saturday at 9:00pm EST for the next episode of Defying Conventionalism, where the fantasy of fandom meets the reality of conventions.
New guests and shows weekly!
Please welcome to the stage and sound, the non-conforming conventionalist, Tehdy B. A crafty cosplayer and overall shapeshifter. You never know what they’ll look like next. Bryan, aka Tehdy B, is always learning new skills with each new cosplay. They might not know it all… yet, but they’ve been cosplaying competitively for the last 6 years around Midwest America, winning their first international award in 2022. They have been a member of the Imperial Court of all Ohio, an LGBTQ+ 501c3 whose mission is to raise money $1 at a time through live performances of Drag. They also been a member of various other organizations around the Cincinnati area trying to help where ever they can. Tehdy B is a member of CosOhana in Cincinnati, a rag tag collection of cosplayers who call each other family. Zoinks and Jinkies. They are also a walking sound effect. Literally never know what’s going to happen when or where.
Defying all binary definitions, Mera is an eclectic eccentric of the naive and curmudgeonly variety who spent far too many years in academic pursuits while enjoying the meager income afforded to a creator for costumes, sets, and props. As a parent of many children, (human, feline, canine, avian, and otherwise), Mera enjoys spending any free time coming up with new creative things to do in new creative places and ways. Many will tell you of the decades spent in fandom cosplay competitions as a competitor, judge, and international contest coordinator, while few also know the hidden names this artist used to pen a thing or two and the advertising, marketing, and outreach that this Witch behind the curtain is rumored to have done but rarely acknowledges. And let us not forget the stages, sound and theater, that Mera has scaled into the rafters to light the decorations that lept from the mind and were fabricated by two human hands gifted from the amazing Mother that brought Mera into the world, and the Frankenfinger that loves to attempt to thwart all attempts at creation. Family, art, theater, sets, props, costumes, fandom, and conventions are indeed the light in Mera's life. Listen in to see what comedic puntifications this pun-loving jester will bring to the show this week.